Rather than merely emphasizing evangelism (as conservative churches do) or social justice (as liberal churches do), we employ a holistic approach that connects the people of our church to the needs of the city. We seek to identify both a community’s needs and its assets and dreams, affirming where God’s hand is already evident and building on existing strengths.
Word & Deed. The Bible tells us that Christians are called to both demonstrate and proclaim the gospel.
Outward & Inward. We seek to be attentive to both outward (material) and inward (spiritual) needs.
Demonstration & Formation. As we demonstrate the love of Christ to our neighbors, we realize that serving others is also a part of how God shapes us and forms us. The more we come to realize how Christ has loved and served us by laying down his life for us, the more we are empowered to love our neighbors in both word and deed.
For more information about serving one of our community partnerships, please email David Sundman at david@cdomaha.com.
New Community
New Community promotes spiritual and social renewal among women in Omaha who are re-entering society after incarceration. In addition to a weekly gathering that includes a meal and Bible study, New Community provides the missing link for successful re-entry by creating a healthy, redemptive community.
Weekly Gatherings: New Community hosts weekly gatherings for 40-60 women with a full meal, Bible Study, and worship.
Food Pantry: The New Community team delivers groceries to several families and women in need. Coram Deo hosts the New Community Food Pantry on-site at 8787 Pacific Street. Download the Food Pantry Needs list.
Westside Community Schools
Since we are geographically located in the center of the Westside school district, Coram Deo has committed to be a servant-hearted neighbor to Westside Community Schools - with a particular investment at Westside High School and Paddock Road Elementary. We enjoy the opportunities to:
Encourage teachers with personal notes and small gift cards
Adopt families during the holidays to provide gifts
Support the Backpack Program by providing fruits and vegetables for children on free and reduced lunch
Encourage opportunities to invest in the Teammates Mentoring Program or as a reading mentor at Paddock Road Elementary
Bethlehem House
Bethlehem House serves pregnant women in crisis through life-affirming services rooted in the Christian tradition. They provide housing, mentoring, and empowerment through life skills, therapy, Bible study, job training, and parenting.
Coram Deo holds an annual Diaper Drive for the women and children of the Bethlehem House. Opportunities for ongoing service with Bethlehem House include mentoring, yard cleaning, and making and delivering meals for their nightly classes.
Assure Women's Center
The Assure Women’s Center is a Christ-centered agency dedicated to being the first step for women facing an unplanned pregnancy. Assure seeks to transform fear into confidence by addressing clients’ physical, spiritual, and emotional needs and equipping them to make healthy life-affirming decisions. Every year, Assure serves over 2,000 vulnerable women. As a result, over 80% of those women choose life.
Coram Deo supports Assure Women’s Center annually by sponsoring tables at their annual banquet, as well as through serving in volunteer roles and hosting prayer gatherings.