Coram Deo Kids
Coram Deo Kids exists to help parents disciple their children. We do this primarily by hosting children during Sunday morning worship. Our Sunday kids’ programming includes Bible-based stories, age-specific activities, and take-home materials to facilitate conversation and interaction throughout the week.
We ask our entire church family to volunteer within the Coram Deo Kids Ministry. Volunteers commit to serving one service per month, complete a background check, and participate in training sessions.
If you have any questions about serving in Coram Deo Kids, please email Kelley Greening, our Coram Deo Kids Coordinator.
Student Ministry
At Coram Deo, we believe that every student needs mature, godly examples on their journey toward adulthood. Student Ministry volunteers serve as mentors by building relationships with students, assisting with student ministry gatherings, and leading small group discussions.
Student Ministry is a weekly commitment on Sunday evenings from 5:30-7:30pm (high school) or Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm (middle school). If you’re interested in serving in Student Ministry, please email Travis Barrett.
Hospitality & Security
THE SECURITY TEAM serves to protect the people and property of Coram Deo Church. From monitoring the parking lot to responding to threats or emergencies, Security Team members provide a hospitable and safe place for our church to gather. Security Team volunteers serve one week per month.
If you would like more information about serving on the Security Team, please email David Sundman, our Pastoral Resident.
Hands & Feet Team
THE HANDS & FEET TEAM works behind the scenes to assist our operations team to set up, facilitate, and cultivate hospitable spaces for ministry to happen on Sunday and throughout the week. After the 11 am service, this team will have instructions to rotate a handful of rooms throughout the building that will be used for ministries such as Student Ministry, Bible Study, Intro Gospel Community, and more. The hands and feet team will serve on Sundays and as needed for special projects.
If you’d like more information or are interested in serving on this team, please email Nathan Humlicek, our building steward.
Worship Gatherings
Coram Deo’s worship gatherings are the “front door” to our church, providing an opportunity for our city to hear biblical preaching and participate in historic Christian worship. Depending on your skills and gifts, you may be able to serve in one the following areas:
WORSHIP TEAM: Coram Deo Worship is a collective of singers, songwriters, and musicians who lead our church in musical worship. If you are an experienced musician or vocalist who resonates with our musical style and feels comfortable playing in a band, we’d love to talk to you.
SCRIPTURE READER TEAM: Because the Scriptures both confront and comfort us, our Sunday gatherings involve the reading and hearing of Scripture. The Scripture Reader team is made up of men and women who love to read the Scriptures, enjoy books & poetry, and are comfortable reading out loud in public.
If you are interested in serving in any of these capacities, please email Olivia Grant, our Worship Arts Director.
TECH TEAM: Whether it’s mixing sound, producing live video, projecting slides, or directing programming, technology is a significant part of our Sunday gatherings. To create a seamless and conducive environment to worship God, our Tech Team strives for excellence and attention to detail.
If you are interested in serving on the Tech Team, please email Mike Kresnik, our Assistant Pastor of Worship & Media.
Coram Deo Internships
Coram Deo Internships are developmental and task-driven. Interns are immersed in our staff culture, participate in our EQUIP theological training program, and get unhurried mentorship from key leaders. They also work under various staff members and are accountable for specific goals. We consider both the intern’s spiritual gifting and the church’s current needs as we assign responsibilities. Specific intern assignments may include Care & Counseling, Operations, Gospel Community, Worship & Production, Mercy Ministry, Coram Deo Kids, Student Ministry, and more.
We are now considering applicants for our 2025-2026 internships. To learn more about internship opportunities or to apply, please email Justin Curtis, our executive pastor.