The Father's Blessing | Genesis 48

He grew up in a complicated family. He endured betrayal, hardship, injustice, and isolation. Yet in one of the Bible’s most dramatic reversals, Joseph rose to a place of power and authority, delivering God’s people and preserving the covenant family. In this series, we explore Genesis 37-50, following the story of God's providence in the life of a “beloved son" who prefigures a Greater Son to come.

One of the marks of our culture is individualism. Yet, in an increasingly isolated and lonely society that champions individualism is there a better way to live? Genesis 48 both confronts something in our culture but also points us to something we deeply long for, but don’t even know it. We all long for the Father’s blessing.

The Father's Blessing | Genesis 48
Aaron Mattox

Destiny | Genesis 49


Future-Foretaste | Genesis 47