What Rules You? | Genesis 4:1-16

What Rules You? | Genesis 4:1-16
Bob Thune

Adam and Eve, a garden, a talking snake, flood waters, and an ancient tower to the skies—these stories are ancient, but they set the rhythm for the rest of the Bible. The book of Genesis grounds Christians in God's character and purposes, inviting us to join in God’s story.

The story of Cain and Abel reveals that from its earliest chapters, the Bible is concerned with our inner life. We will either rule or be ruled; we will conquer sin or sin will conquer us. In this message, we explore how religiosity, comparison, and anger ruled Cain, leading him to kill his brother. And we examine how the grace of Jesus sets us free to bring our inner world into line with the goodness, truth, and beauty of the kingdom of God.


Two Ways to Live | Genesis 4:17-5:32


God’s Grace in our Sin | Genesis 3:8-24