God’s The Hero, Not You | Genesis 8-9

God's The Hero, Not You | Genesis 8-9
Aaron Mattox

Adam and Eve, a garden, a talking snake, flood waters, and an ancient tower to the skies—these stories are ancient, but they set the rhythm for the rest of the Bible. The book of Genesis grounds Christians in God's character and purposes, inviting us to join in God’s story.

The story of Noah is one of the most beloved stories in the Bible. When we read it, we often think of Noah as the hero of the story. But even Noah fails to be the righteous leader God's people need. After the flood waters recede, Noah has his own Fall, in his own garden, recapitulating the tragedy of Adam and Eve. The flood story, taken as a whole, reminds readers: God is the hero, not Noah.


The Tower of Babel | Genesis 10:1-11:26


The Flood | Genesis 6-7