An End & A Beginning | Genesis 11:27-12:4

An End & A Beginning | Genesis 11:27-12:4
Bob Thune

Adam and Eve, a garden, a talking snake, flood waters, and an ancient tower to the skies—these stories are ancient, but they set the rhythm for the rest of the Bible. The book of Genesis grounds Christians in God's character and purposes, inviting us to join in God’s story.

After the rebellion at Babel, the question stands: How will God respond, and how will His plan move forward? In a surprising turn of events, God calls a barren couple to leave what is familiar and to trust in His provision. From Genesis 12 forward, the story of redemption and blessing unfolds, a story each human being is invited into.


God is More Present than You Think | Genesis 28:10-22


The Tower of Babel | Genesis 10:1-11:26