The Answer to Sinful Corruption | Psalm 53

The Psalms have been the prayer book of God’s people for thousands of years. We immerse ourselves in this book each summer to hear its truth, learn from its wisdom, and be shaped by its vision of the good life. Learn more at

Psalm 53 is a psalm that both challenges and comforts. Clearly we inhabit a fractured world; but our current cultural moment often fixates on external faults as the primary issue. This perspective tends to blame 'those people,' 'that group,' or 'their ideas' for the corruption we see and experience. Psalm 53 challenges this mindset, highlighting the profound truth of our individual sin and corruption while also presenting a message of hope and grace.


Betrayal | Psalm 55


Our Feast-Giving, Death-Swallowing Deliverer | Isaiah 25:6-26:4