God Honors Faithfulness | Daniel 1:8-21

God Honors Faithfulness | Daniel 1:8-21
Bob Thune

In each generation, God’s people are called to live faithfully for Him. Kingdoms rise and fall, but God’s kingdom is the only one that will stand forever. The book of Daniel gives God’s people a sweeping view of history and inspires them to live faithfully by grounding them in the hope and promise of God’s everlasting kingdom.

Whether we're religious or not, we count dedication and faithfulness as positive human virtues. But what does faithfulness look like, and how does one grow in it? In this sermon, we explore Daniel's faithfulness in the midst of cultural pressure. As we see Daniel's resolve, we also see the source of true faithfulness: the grace of God.


We’re All Nebuchadnezzar Now | Daniel 2


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