Episode 456: A Less Prominent Atheist Becomes a Christian (David Sundman’s Story)

Episode 456: A Less Prominent Atheist Becomes a Christian (David Sundman’s Story)
The Wednesday Conversation

A few weeks ago, we shared the conversion story of prominent atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali. This week, we want to highlight the story of another former atheist, Coram Deo pastoral resident David Sundman. In this episode, David shares his story of recovery from addiction, his rap career, and his surrender to Christ.

David’s Spotify page: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7oxAxfBXkMVwlCvGcY63wN?si=08RqXl36QWisQeoGWJMYbQ


Episode 457: The Christian Family | Chapter 10


From the Archives | Episode 455: A Conversation With James K.A. Smith