Episode 433: Woke Therapy

Episode 433: Woke Therapy
The Wednesday Conversation

The Free Press reported in May 2023 that Critical Social Justice ideology is beginning to transform the mental health professions. If you doubt that claim, you'll want to listen to this episode as special guest Audrey Conrad narrates her journey into and out of a clinical master's program in marriage and family therapy. Since she was a woman of faith, her supervising professor told her she would be unable to celebrate LGBTQ identities and, therefore, was unwelcome in the profession. She now works as a biblical counselor on staff at her local church.

If you're a Christian who cares about helping people, you'll want to ponder the questions raised in this episode. It turns out that seeing people as members of an identity category just isn't as helpful - or transformative - as seeing them as individual human beings made in the image of God.



Episode 434: TWC Commentary | Deconstructing Judith Butler


Episode 432: The Christian Family | Chapters 3 & 4